Monday 2 June 2008


Artist: Marah



If You Didn't Laugh You'd Cry   
 If You Didn't Laugh You'd Cry

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 12

Let's Cut the Crap and Hook Up Later on Tonight   
 Let's Cut the Crap and Hook Up Later on Tonight

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 19

Float Away With The Friday Night Gods   
 Float Away With The Friday Night Gods

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 10

Kids in Philly   
 Kids in Philly

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 11

Kids In Amsterdam   
 Kids In Amsterdam

Tracks: 10

Philadelphia's eclecticist, rootsy rock and roll quartet Marah consists of David Bielanko, Serge Bielanko, bassist Danny Metz, and drummer Ronnie Vance. Dave Bielanko, Metz, and Vance formed the group in 1993; brother Serge was so impressed with their intelligent that he cherished to connect Marah, which he did in 1995. The band found an unofficial fifth member in producer/engineer Paul Smith, wHO was likewise taken with Marah's Replacements-meets-Springsteen style when he engineered their intelligent at some of their shows. Smith and the mathematical group recorded some tracks in 1997 that made their way to Blue Mountain's Cary Hudson, wHO released them early in 1998 as the album Let's Cut the Crap and Hook Up Later on Tonight on his Black Dog label.

Both the album and their functioning at that year's South by Southwest Music Conference were hailed by big artists and critics, including Rolling Stone's David Fricke and Steve Earle. Earle asked Marah to record for his label, E-Squared, and the results, Kids in Philly, was co-released by E-Squared and Artemis Records in 2000. Two years later, Marah released their third record album, Float Away with the Friday Night Gods, which featured the Boss himself, Bruce Springsteen, on support vocals on one track. By the time of 2004's 20,000 Streets Under the Sky, the mathematical group had affected to Yep Roc and picked up Superchunk's Jon Wurster on drums.

For the future record album, the brothers Bielanko decided to record cursorily and loosely, trying to capture the saturation and forsake of their hot set. With the help of Kirk Henderson on bass and various keyboards, Mike Brenner on stringed instruments galore, and Wurster and Dave Peterson on drums, If You Didn't Laugh You'd Cry was a rambling, free, and bright phonograph recording that landed on many critics' best-of-the-year lists and north Korean won the chemical group some big-name fans like writers Nick Hornby and Stephen King. The band also released a holiday record, A Christmas Kind of Town, at the like time. For the tour that followed the album's releases, the band coagulated with Serge and David leading the way with reenforcement from Adam Garbinski on guitar, Peterson on drums, and Henderson on bass and keyboards.

Soul Position